Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've started a couple quilts now, but haven't had a chance to complete them. This is the first one that I have a deadline on, so I've been working consistently on it. I'm making the quilt for a good friend's third baby, due pretty much imminently. This is a baby who is near and dear to my heart for various reasons, so I wanted to make her something special. I based the design on Rae's Storytime Squares Quilt, but I used different fabrics as I wasn't able to get my hands on enough Far Far Away II in time.

Once all the fabric had been cut, The Poppet helped me lay out the squares on our livingroom floor. The new baby's older sisters are good friends of hers, so I thought her contribution would add a special element to the quilt. I let her lay the squares out exactly as she wanted to, with only a couple fussy edits after she got distracted by something else. Later she came back and used my roving selvedges as pretend bandages to bind various "injuries."

Considering this will technically be my first completed quilt, I'm curious to see how it turns out.

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